Individualized Medicine

The genetic alteration underlying malignant growth of tumour cells displays a strong inter-individual variability which translates into different biological behavior of even morphologically identical tumour types. This is of importance for the prediction of tumour response to therapy. Current oncological therapy guidelines are based on group comparisons. For a tumour type (e.g. gliomas), a therapeutic modality will be recommended, generally one which has shown an effect in a higher percentage of patients than the second best comparative therapy. For an individual patient however, a therapeutic modality may be more efficacious  in a lower percentage of patients with this tumour type. Nuclear medicine offers the possibility to diagnostically assess the biological behavior of individual tumours and to use these data for the planning of an individually optimized therapy (individualized medicine). The principle of individual determination of tumour spread and Iodine uptakes using 123I or 124I for the planning of radioiodine therapy (131I) has been in used in nuclear medicine for decades. While 131I therapy of thyroid carcinomas is based on the selective uptake of elemental iodine by the thyroid gland, so far radiopharmaceuticals which could achieve a comparable tumour uptake also in other tumour entities, have not previously been known.

ACD-101 is a first of its kind radiopharmaceutical for the integrated individualized diagnosis and therapy of gliomas that holds the potential to improve therapeutic outcome and healthcare costs for patients with glioma.

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